While summer vacation is looking different this year due to COVID-19, there are some things that will stay the same. Health insurance has always been important for children and gives parents peace of mind to know their child is covered when needed. At Florida KidCare, we are here to help families and provide options. Florida KidCare is the state’s high quality, low-cost health and dental insurance program for kids. Under the Florida KidCare brand, there are four programs: Medicaid for Children (covers children birth through the end of age 18 ), MediKids (covers children 1 through 4), Florida Healthy Kids (covers children 5 through the end of age 18), and the Children’s Medical Services Managed Care Plan (CMS) (covers children birth through the end of age 18 with special health care needs).
Florida KidCare is designed specifically with kids in mind, providing access to the services they need at each stage of growth and development. It covers an array of benefits that include mental health services, prescriptions, emergency room visits, immunizations, and more. Most Florida KidCare families pay $15 or $20 a month to cover all children in the household. Eligibility for the programs is based on a child’s age, family’s household size and annual income. Competitively priced full-pay options are available to families who aren’t eligible for subsidy plans.
Families can estimate what their monthly premium payment might be in 15 seconds or less by using the Eligibility Calculator at floridakidcare.org. A parent/guardian enters their household size and annual income and the calculator gives quick results!
With no application fee and year-round enrollment, the best time to apply is always now! Check out floridakidcare.org for more information. Have any questions? Call 1-888-540-KIDS (5437) Monday – Friday between 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET and we will be happy to help.
Florida KidCare wishes a happy, healthy summer to all Florida children.