
3 Ways to Encourage Your Teen to Choose a Career Path

Teach them essential skills that could be the right formula for their future success

By Reva Janeska April 21, 2021

All parents want the best for their children, so it's natural to take into account their future careers. You can have a major role in the choices your teen makes moving forward. After all, studies have repeatedly revealed the relationship between parental care and the development of habits and ideals in adolescence. Negative associations lead to a higher likelihood of chronic issues and problematic behavior. This is why it's important to come from the angle of encouragement instead of pressure, especially when it's a major decision such as one's career choice.

With the right steps, you can guide your teen and motivate them to pursue their goals. It's especially crucial as this is a stage where they are going through a lot of hormonal and social changes that could be affecting their decision-making process.

1. Help them research the job market

Get online and seek out trends and job outlooks with your child. Doing this can give your child a better sense of what their future job could look like after college. It may help them to look at some of the most promising jobs that are going to be in demand in the future. Job projections can help them see growth potential and salaries for fields they're interested in. For instance, if they want a career in healthcare, some of the healthcare jobs expected to have even more demand in the next decade include nurse practitioners, mental health counselors, adult ophthalmologists, and general physicians.

2. Take them to job fairs

Job fairs are a great way to see what options are out there and discover what high-value employers are looking for. It's also a good firsthand experience for interacting with recruiters. Different industries hold job fairs, but it's particularly active for those with the entrepreneurial spirit or those with degrees in business. Going to a job fair could be a good way to see what options are out there for business degree-holders. Today’s top careers in business administration can lead graduates into a variety of business roles, from financial management to business analytics. The knowledge and experience they can build can also set them up for their own business if that’s something they want to do in their future. An event teeming with entrepreneurs could serve as a wealth of information for aspiring business professionals such as your child.

3. Encourage them to take some assessment tests

A good way to narrow down their interests and figure out what path will fit them best is by taking assessment tests. There are plenty of online resources readily available to try out, such as skills tests and personality exams. Figuring out key aspects in their character can help inform what will suit them when considering their career choices.

One of the most popular personality tests that people use is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It can give a lot of insight into what type of job assignments, working styles, and environments an individual can thrive in and enjoy based on their personality type. For instance, INTPs (introverts) are considered independent scientists who will fit jobs like software engineering and medical scientists. Meanwhile, ESTJs (extroverts) are practical supervisors who will thrive in managerial positions.

An Important Note To Parents: Provide reassurance and allow exploration

At the end of the day, you still have to give your child free reign on what they truly want for themselves. Remember that your guidance is there so they will be steered in the right direction, but not necessarily to dictate their path. This time can be quite tumultuous for a teenager, so you can even reassure them that it's natural to not completely know everything at this point. It's also a good idea to remind them that, since they are young, what they choose to pursue now doesn't have to be the ultimate career they take on forever.

All of these factors can guide you so you can help your child find what they want to pursue in life. Actively taking this on while teaching them essential skills could be the right formula for their future success.

Specially written for Macaroni Kid Palm Beach Gardens
By: Reva Janeska